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WHMpress – WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin

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  • License : GPL
  • Version: 6.0-revision-4
  • Last Update: 08.04.2023

WHMpress – WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin

Please note: You pleasure want a detach licensed WHMCS installation into order according to turn to advantage that plugin.

WHMpress approves you in conformity with draw thine WHMCS Products, Domains yet Prices among WordPress easily and in reality then display them of a variety about ways which include package assessment tables, price lists, yet method buttons. Clients desire stand performed in accordance with you WHMCS in accordance with fulfilled theirs purchase. If you necessity after maintain your consumers concerning thy WordPress web site thou must additionally buy our ‘Client Area Add-on’ available separately.

Live WHMCS WordPress Integration along ShortCode Examples

WHMpress is taken because internet hosts together with flexibility into mind. It is tremendously customizable to (so that be able match) thy present internet site design. It choice eleminate to run back then forth in WordPress and WHMCS in imitation of allow of price, bundle changes. Go because of WHMpress after find the most junction about mind.

WHMpress has been designed for net hosts including flexibility into mind. It is highly customizable, consequently it be able match thy current website design

A professional plugin flourished because of professional internet hosting companies

WHMpress fetches you web hosting diagram names, prices, discipline hyperlinks & domain lists beside WHMCS yet shows in the shape of fancy pricing tables, rule combos, kilter buttons & area price tables. It offers thou shortcodes to drive it elements at any place you would kind of within thy WordPress web hosting site.

WHMpress sync pulls information beyond thy WHMCS database thru of thy WordPress database – then any changes you edit into WHMCS do lie shortly utilized in conformity with thine WordPress web site by using a easy sync – no necessity in accordance with add the statistics twice. This additionally makes the display on information super-quick.

Built beyond scratch through a Webhosting company together with a flagrant amour because WHMCS. WHMpress is your ultimate end including every the equipment you want according to fulfill a Faithful web hosting website outdoors on WordPress then WHMCS, a entirely loaded WHMCS Bridged then Integrated internet site to deliver ye extra preferences according to show you webhosting services.

1. MultiCurrency

WHMpress presents multi-currency pricing, pass you end consumer after pick out foreign money beyond inside WP web page whilst shopping the website.

2. Shortcodes Templates (Skins)

WHMpress allows you in imitation of exchange the back about all shortcodes offers. This is altogether usefull when ye format according to match complex pricing tables along your existing WP themes. More than 10 Pricing table templates/ layouts are blanketed + Plus much greater matching with famous themes.

3. Cache

WHMpress caches thy prices, domains lists then the whole thing further wanted among WordPress, so such does now not have in conformity with fetch such beyond WHMCS each and every time, charity thou ultimate performance.

4. Auto Calculated Discounts

WHMpress isn’t simply for replicating pricing beyond WHMCS. Its WP WHMCS integration goes certain foot in addition along calculating discounts so much you are offering on multi-year pricing yet show right of pricing tables and method links. Showing traffic or a great deal that intention keep is a demonstrated access after increase sales

5. Matching Pricing tables (and lousy components) because Famous Hosting Themes

WHMpress presents matching componenets for most wiedly used themes. What does means? When you region a pricing desk of Avada, WHMpress wish bring expenditures beyond WHMCS or yield it as much an Avada matching Pricing Table [ Video ] . You slave no longer have after play together with CSS in imitation of match pricing table yet mean aspects including thy theme. Matching factors are life presented because of accordant themes.

If matching factors because thine affairs are now not available as but ship to us a request here, we will accomplish matching shortcode templates conjoin such among subsequent update.

6. Extremly bendy Ajax Domain Search

Ajax domain ask together with a tussock over alternatives according to play, right intestinal thine WP. Search then home web page but show outcomes on you area page.

7. Multilingual Package Name & Details

Override Package/Service Name/ Details in accordance to language.

And a entire list on services as thou choice now not locate along some lousy WP-WHMCS deck bridge then WP-WHMCS Integration solution. … volume down for more.


  1.  UNZIP the files downloaded from our website, cause might contain other files (documentation, demos, licensing, etc.), inside the folder you’ll find the correct file to upload.
  2.  Make sure to delete the version of theme/plugin that you have on your website before you upload our premium version, it might cause a conflict during installation and activation.
  3.  Please sometimes install all required files that should be installed, normal version and pro version if exist cause it might work together.
  4.  Sometimes theme/plugin might ask you for license to activate automatic updates or premium support which we don’t offer in this package
  5.  When a New version appears and is available on our website you’ll find it in My Account “Downloads section” then Download it. you can update it manually to your ftp or use this plugin: DOWNLOAD


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Why So Affordable?

  1. All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.
  2. Your purchase to our site goes towards maintaining and buying new products to 3rd party theme and plugin authors.
  3. This form of crowd funding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.
  4. Our products don’t include premium support. Thats why we can offer up to 95% discounts on must-have commercial WordPress plugins.
  5. No Licenses Will Be Shared
  6. No Support From Developers
  7. The same products as vendor’s offer on their official website, but we don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more Info).

GPLTotal is not affiliated WordPress, Yoast, WooCommerce, or any other third party. All the plugins, themes, and digital products’ copyright trademark rights are reserved to their respective owners.

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