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White Label WordPress Plugin WpAlter

221 Sold in Last 1 Month


  • Download verified by McAfee Secure
  • Very cheap price & Original product !
  • We Purchase And Download From Original Authors
  • Use On Unlimited Own & Client Websites
  • You Always Have To Update Plugin or Theme From
    GPLTotal Website Itself (Downloads)
  • Lifetime Free Updates
  • License : GPL
  • Version: 2.4.6
  • Last Update: 16.01.2023

White Label WordPress Plugin – WpAlter

Alter the White Label WordPress plugin lets you customize most of the elements of WordPress admin dashboard or panel. Alter completely change the style of the WordPress admin panel to your desired color theme and alter most the WordPress elements.
Compatible with WordPress latest version 4.9.x
In-compatible plugins: Admin menu editor and Admin menu editor pro: as this plugin and WpAlter has same menu customization feature each will take control over others. Actually, we cannot call it in-compatible because our plugin will work with these plugins but users will be confused sometimes due to identical actions between these two plugins. Say for example, if the user did customized a menu text with WpAlter and it won’t reflect because Admin menu editor plugin code will rewrite the menu again with default menu text.


Unlimited color options. Set your own color theme.
Flat/Default design(Shadow style).
White Label Branding – Remove WordPress texts and logo and much more as explained below.
Your Custom logo for login and WordPress admin pages.
Hide, rename and re-arrange admin menu items.
Hide admin menu items based on user roles.
Set custom Icons for admin menu items: Dashicons and FontAwesome icons.
Custom login Theme.
Add unlimited custom widgets to WordPress dashboard.
Delete any dashboard widgets even it is created by 3rd party plugins and themes.
Remove any Admin Bar menu items even it is created by 3rd party plugins and themes.
Add any number of custom links to the admin bar.


  1.  UNZIP the files downloaded from our website, cause might contain other files (documentation, demos, licensing, etc.), inside the folder you’ll find the correct file to upload.
  2.  Make sure to delete the version of theme/plugin that you have on your website before you upload our premium version, it might cause a conflict during installation and activation.
  3.  Please sometimes install all required files that should be installed, normal version and pro version if exist cause it might work together.
  4.  Sometimes theme/plugin might ask you for license to activate automatic updates or premium support which we don’t offer in this package
  5.  When a New version appears and is available on our website you’ll find it in My Account “Downloads section” then Download it. you can update it manually to your ftp or use this plugin: DOWNLOAD


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  1. All WordPress items such as plugins and themes are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so.
  2. Your purchase to our site goes towards maintaining and buying new products to 3rd party theme and plugin authors.
  3. This form of crowd funding helps keep prices low and we can then pass this benefit on to you.
  4. Our products don’t include premium support. Thats why we can offer up to 95% discounts on must-have commercial WordPress plugins.
  5. No Licenses Will Be Shared
  6. No Support From Developers
  7. The same products as vendor’s offer on their official website, but we don’t offer any additional author services like author’s support and license keys (read our FAQ for more Info).

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