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Video Gallery WordPress Plugin /w YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook pages

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  • License: GPL
  • Version: 12.25
  • Last Update: 17.01.2023

Video Gallery WordPress Plugin /w YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook pages

Video Gallery Features

  • five skins + skin producer – we provided extra afterward five skins in accordance with healthy someone branding regarding thy site, and more – you may generate thine very own skins together with thine own hues within the Design Center
  • iPhone/iPad well matched – that plugin generates html5 movies if the vacationer is over an iToy
  • full over alternatives – set above odd videos, margin of extremity beautiful videos, brim of combined video kinds – youtube / dailymotion / selfhosted / audio files / photographs / vimeo / etc. , brim regarding a youtube person channel, brim regarding a vimeo person channel, margin on a vimeo album, gallery about a youtube playlist etc.
  • hybrid – that perform remain a video participant / example within the preview
  • stream sources – circulate beside interest hosted videos, part hosted audios, self-interest hosted images, youtube playlists, youtube keywords, youtube user channel, vimeo user channel, vimeo channel, vimeo album
  • multiple galleries within some – conjoin a brim to that amount streams beyond a couple of galleries, this is how many thou can engage above a combined gallery together with a vimeo trough + youtube playlist + half over thy personal custom videos because of example
  • extensive admin dashboard – admin panel together with lots on picks in accordance with accomplish the gallery so customizable namely possible, but convenient to use. Comes together with a pull & decline html5 uploader too! And extraordinary functionality like pull & fall because of items, replica galleries etc. in conformity with fulfill you life simpler while editing the gallery. You execute setup vast range regarding galleries in the admin as much well as like put on to them into the content.
  • subtitle support- thou can bear captioning – the edge reads .srt type subtitles and adds captioning in accordance with thy videos – wow.
  • play from– you perform set a initial day then the video start. also, the position can stay engage to “last” as capability the video wish move the place it was once final left ( through bull’s-eye shut then something like that ) – by using the present day html5 Local Storage API
  • backup database / import, export characteristic – keep you database protected or functionate ordinary backups with the aid of the Export Database feature blanketed including that plugin.
  • easy according to deploy – installation or get it plugin equipped of less after three minutes. Add it in accordance with thy content material by a simple shortcode – [videogallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”] .
  • auxiliary shortcodes – want to be brought a unaccompanied video in thine publish besides grudging in conformity with pace via the admin ? The, [youtube] or [vimeo] shortcodes are made just because of that. You simply bear in conformity with accept the identity for the youtube or vimeo shortcode, or the location because of the video shortcode.
  • shortcode factor – this gallery is based on shortcodes however you do now not necessity in conformity with be aware none because there is a Shortcode Generator upstairs each and every secretary of the submit / page.
  • connected including Vimeo API – stronly binded with the Vimeo API, retrieve Vimeo Albums or User channels, additionally, thou be able connect with the Vimeo API by thine tale then in imitation of retrieve greater videos then the ordinary API limit. Stream personal movies with Vimeo PRO tab –
  • connected along YouTube API – stronly binded together with the YouTube API, retrieve Playlists or User channels, additionally, you be able connect including the YouTube API through your estimate and to retrieve more movies below the normal API limit
  • deeplinking – cutting-edge browser url can alternate according to replicate the current video between the gallery, yet you perform link directly in imitation of that video
  • social media share thumbnail over deeplinking – sharing the link to the favored video indicates the video\’s thumbnail regarding fb through start format tags
  • rtl admin guide – the admin has been adapted in accordance with assignment with arabic / hebrew languages too
  • linking guide – hyperlink in imitation of some video into the edge ( because of example ye can section the hyperlink in conformity with pace in conformity with the 1/3 video in playlist directly
  • meta help – attributes kind of og:image, og:title are routinely introduced to the videos so the thumbnail yet call appear effectively over facebook / and so on then distribution a video
  • DASH MPEG guide – stay circulate along no hassle or about whole essential browsers or devices
  • Linking because of Gallery Videos – piece link in accordance with a specific video
  • ultra understanding – alternative according to proportionally resize whole videos between the gallery
  • can change non-existence wordpress video playlists
  • can change absence wordpress video embeds and interest hosted movies


  1.  UNZIP the files downloaded from our website, cause might contain other files (documentation, demos, licensing, etc.), inside the folder you’ll find the correct file to upload.
  2.  Make sure to delete the version of theme/plugin that you have on your website before you upload our premium version, it might cause a conflict during installation and activation.
  3.  Please sometimes install all required files that should be installed, normal version and pro version if exist cause it might work together.
  4.  Sometimes theme/plugin might ask you for license to activate automatic updates or premium support which we don’t offer in this package
  5.  When a New version appears and is available on our website you’ll find it in My Account “Downloads section” then Download it. you can update it manually to your ftp or use this plugin: DOWNLOAD


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